Nintendo + Girlfriends = Amazing Saturday Night!

19 03 2009

This past Saturday I was invited by Jamie & Jenn to spend an evening playing video games with a bunch of girls. Sweet, right??

The party was held in the West Loop Studio , which is this AMAZING space in the West Loop. Emily & I couldn’t stop saying how much we wished we lived in a space like that.

When we arrived we were all given super cute charm bracelets and at each of the four gaming stations we were given a charm. Once we collected all four charms we won a prize: a brand new Nintendo DS and Brain Age 2!!!

Emily, Jessi, and I made our rounds at each station. We got to try out Crosswords DS, Brain Age 2, Guitar Hero, and Mario Kart. Brain Age 2 made me feel really, really dumb at first, but now I’m working diligently to bring my brain age down. After munching on the delicious spread of snacks, wines, and champagne we decided to hit up the Wii Station.

We had a BLAST playing Wii bowling. There was some fierce competition, but my wii bowling skills reigned supreme.

Overall, the night was totally amazing. The games were fun, the food was yummy, and it was great to hang out with fellow gal bloggers.

Jamie and Jenn, thanks so much for hosting such an amazing party and for the invite! Nintendo, thank you for the new DS!

More amazing photos can be found here, and my less impressive photos here.

Video to follow, so keep an eye out for that!